layout: post title: Gitlab故障回顾和总结 date: 2017-03-03 22:27:37 tags: []


1月31日,Giblab在修复一个PostgreSQL数据同步问题(DB Replication lagged too far behind)时,误将生产环境的数据删除(本来是计划删除db1上的数据,结果发现在错误的db2上操作了)。进而寻求从备份数据恢复,结果发现没有实时备份:

  • LVM Snapshot每24小时备份一次,最新数据是6小时前的
  • 常规备份由于pg_dump客户端版本问题失效
  • Azure Disk snapshot未启用
  • 数据库同步会导致webhook删除,所以webhook只能从备份中恢复
  • S3 备份未生效,bucket为空
  • 糟糕的备份流程,并且没有明确的文档

最后,Gitlab只能从LVM snapshot上恢复6小时前的数据。由于备份机器性能极差,并且数据拷贝极慢,整个恢复过程也比较慢(18个小时)。



  1. Update PS1 across all hosts to more clearly differentiate between hosts and environments (#1094)
  2. Prometheus monitoring for backups (#1095)
  3. Set PostgreSQL’s max_connections to a sane value (#1096)
  4. Investigate Point in time recovery & continuous archiving for PostgreSQL (#1097)
  5. Hourly LVM snapshots of the production databases (#1098)
  6. Azure disk snapshots of production databases (#1099)
  7. Move staging to the ARM environment (#1100)
  8. Recover production replica(s) (#1101)
  9. Automated testing of recovering PostgreSQL database backups (#1102)
  10. Improve PostgreSQL replication documentation/runbooks (#1103)
  11. Investigate pgbarman for creating PostgreSQL backups (#1105)
  12. Investigate using WAL-E as a means of Database Backup and Realtime Replication (#494)
  13. Build Streaming Database Restore
  14. Assign an owner for data durability
  15. Bundle pgpool-II 3.6.1 (!1251)
  16. Connection pooling/load balancing for PostgreSQL (#259)


  • PostgreSQL配置和使用错误,参见Dataloss at Gitlab
  • 自动化的必要性,人总是会犯错的,应该用技术而不是管理来解决问题(设计更合理的高可用系统而不是靠权限控制人肉操作)
  • 备份和故障恢复系统需要定期演练,否则即便像Gitlab拥有这么多的备份系统依然会丢失数据


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