... ➦腾讯QQ团队于12月4日开源了一个服务开发运营框架,叫做毫秒服务引擎(Mass Service Engine in Cluster,MSEC),它集RPC、名字发现服务、负载均衡、业务监控、灰度发布、容量管理、日志管理、Key-Value存储于一体,目的是提高开发与运营的效率和质量。
题记:上周去西雅图参加了KubeCon&CloudNativeCon 2016,不仅见到Dawn、Brendan、Tim以及Sig Node的各路大神,还参加了不少有趣的session。
Containers可以看作是现代分布式系统的“汇编语言”,这样分布式系统的管理实际上就成了开发“Container汇编语言”。Brendan还以JavaScript为例,演示了如何基于Metaparticle来支持不同的service pattern:
... ➦题记:最近一段时间在做Kubernetes容器引擎接口(Container Runtime Interface, CRI)的重构,并支持以插件的方式引入外部容器引擎。CRI还在紧张有序的开发中,预计在v1.5发布第一个alpha版。
... ➦Kubernetes在设计之初就充分考虑了针对容器的服务发现与负载均衡机制,提供了Service资源,并通过kube-proxy配合cloud provider来适应不同的应用场景。随着kubernetes用户的激增,用户场景的不断丰富,又产生了一些新的负载均衡机制。目前,kubernetes中的负载均衡大致可以分为以下几种机制,每种机制都有其特定的应用场景:
... ➦相比Docker一个二进制文件解决所有问题,Kubernetes则为不同的服务提供了不同的二进制文件,并将一些服务放到了addons中。故而,Kubernetes的部署相对要麻烦的多。借助minikube项目,现在可以很方便的在本机快速启动一个单节点的Kubernetes集群。
... ➦Flannel is a virtual network that gives a subnet to each host for use with container runtimes.
Platforms like Google’s Kubernetes assume that each container (pod) has a unique, routable IP inside the cluster. The advantage of this model is that it reduces the complexity of doing port mapping.
flannel runs an agent, flanneld, on each host and is responsible for allocating a subnet lease out of a preconfigured address space. flannel uses etcd to store the network configuration, allocated subnets, and auxiliary data (such as host’s IP). The forwarding of packets is achieved using one of several strategies that are known as backends. The simplest backend is udp and uses a TUN device to encapsulate every IP fragment in a UDP packet, forming an overlay network. The following diagram demonstrates the path a packet takes as it traverses the overlay network:
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Docker v1.12 brings in its integrated orchestration into docker engine.
... ➦Starting with Docker 1.12, we have added features to the core Docker Engine to make multi-host and multi-container orchestration easy. We’ve added new API objects, like Service and Node, that will let you use the Docker API to deploy and manage apps on a group of Docker Engines called a swarm. With Docker 1.12, the best way to orchestrate Docker is Docker!
Table of contents:
The latest master branch of runV has already supported running as an runtime in docker. Since v1.11, docker introduced OCI contain runtime (runc) integration via containerd. Since runc and runV are both recommended implementation of OCI, it is natural to make runV working with containerd.
Now let’s have a try.
Docker could be installed via
Since only master branch of runV supports running integrated with docker, we should compile runV by source.
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