... ➦Magnum是去年巴黎峰会后开始的一个新项目,专门用来向用户提供容器服务,其最新的架构如图2所示。从去年11月份开始在StackForge提交第一个Patch,到今年3月份进入OpenStack Namespace,Magnum应该是OpenStack社区从StackForge迁移到OpenStack Namespace最快的一个项目。Magnum现在可以为用户提供Kubernetes as a Service和Swarm as a Service,大家应该会很快在L版看到Mesos as a Service。Magnum的一些Contributor,Adrian Otto是Rackspace的杰出工程师,Magnum和Solum的双重PTL;Steven Dake刚刚离开Redhat加入Cisco,他是Heat的创始人,现在Kolla的PTL,同时还在积极推动一个新项目Machine Learning as a Service;Davanum Srinivas (Dims)刚刚从IBM加入Mirantis,现在担任Oslo的PTL。关于他们的时间分配问题,Adrian的原话是会重点放在Magnum。
... ➦Today we’re pleased to announce that CoreOS, Docker, and a large group of industry leaders are working together on a standard container format through the formation of the Open Container Project (OCP). OCP is housed under the Linux Foundation, and is chartered to establish common standards for software containers. This announcement means we are starting to see the concepts behind the App Container spec and Docker converge. This is a win for both users of containers and our industry at large.
Apache Mesos能够在同样的集群机器上运行多种分布式系统类型,更加动态有效率低共享资源。提供失败侦测,任务发布,任务跟踪,任务监控,低层次资源管理和细粒度的资源共享,可以扩展伸缩到数千个节点。Mesos已经被Twitter用来管理它们的数据中心。
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