nc -z -v -n 21-25
Server: nc -l 1567
Client: nc 1567
Server to Client:
Server: nc -l 1567 < file.txt
Client: nc -n 1567 > file.txt
Client to Server:
Server: nc -l 1567 > file.txt
Client: nc 1567 < file.txt
Server: tar -cvf - dir_name | nc -l 1567
Client: nc -n 1567 | tar -xvf -
Server: cat video.avi | nc -l 1567
... ➦Modern platform for rapidly deploying globally distributed services provided by cisco.
The base platform contains control nodes that manage the cluster and any number of compute nodes. Containers automatically register themselves into DNS so that other services can locate them.
... ➦Introduction to Mininet:
OpenFlow Tutorial:
Mininet walkthrough:
RYU SDN Framework:
A good ryu blog:
There are two approaches for using DPDK acceleration in DPDK. One is the openvswitch fork from intel, called dpdk-ovs the other is done directly in openvswitch with a different approach from intel.
To run openvswitch with DPDK I used a virtual machine (VirtualBox) because the NIC I had on my laptop was not supported. I created three virtual NICs for my vm, one behind NAT to use it to ssh into the vm from the host, and two in host-only mode, to be use for testing.
... ➦Add network management for native docker
A while back, I wrote an article about taking consistent snapshots of your virtual machines in your OpenStack environment. However this method was really intrusive since it required to be inside the virtual machine and to manually summon a filesystem freeze. In this article, I will use a different approach to achieve the same goal without the need to be inside the virtual machine.
The only requirement is to have a virtual machine running the qemu-guest-agent.
... ➦已经融资9500万美元的Pluribus公司,做得Server Switch产品,其CEO说,既能克服Vmware产品的scalability, invisibility, performance问题,又能克服Cisco ACI的系统封闭性。说白了就是把网络做在服务器里面,但是网络处理发生在交换芯片而不是CPU里面,跟Facebook Wedge一样 @盛科张卫峰
... ➦__file__仅在文件中运行的时候才正常,而在交互式命令行中则需要使用变通的方法:
import os
import inspect
import sys
if not hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], '__file__'):
__file__ = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
print os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))