Hypernetes The multi tenant Kubernetes distribution Jan 01, 0001 “The Caas Revolution”. This is what we believe is happening today in the Cloud ecosystem. This revolution has been started by the now famous project (and company) Docker, and embraced by Cloud providers like Google and AWS. However, most multi-tenant CaaS solutions today run on a public IaaS, and use fully isolated virtual machine clusters to schedule containers. This is in contrast to the solely container-based implementation provided in private CaaS deployments. ...
Hypernetes wechat share Jan 01, 0001 今天给大家介绍下最近在Hypernetes上做的工作。 Hypernetes是一个真正多租户的Kubernetes Distro。 Hyperne ...
Installing nova docker on OpenStack Juno Jan 01, 0001 This post comes about indirectly by a request on IRC in #rdo for help getting nova-docker installed on Fedora 21. I ran through the process from start to finish and decided to write everything down for posterity. Getting started I started with the Fedora 21 Cloud Image, because I’m installing onto OpenStack and the cloud images include some features that are useful in this environment. We’ll be using OpenStack packages from the RDO Juno repository. ...
Installing Realtek rltwifi driver for Ubuntu 14.10 Jan 01, 0001 安装方法 Ubuntu 14默认内核版本没有带RTL8192ee的网卡驱动,因而就无法通过无线网络联网,并且Reltek官方网站也没有提供合适的驱动。而最 ...
Integrating Openstack and Kubernetes with Murano Jan 01, 0001 There’s a perceived competition between OpenStack and containers such as Docker, but in reality, the two technologies are a powerful combination. They both solve similar problems, but on different layers of the stack, so combining the two can give users more scalability and automation than ever before. That containers app you wrote needs to run somewhere. This is particularly true for orchestrated container applications, such as those managed by Kubernetes. What’s more, if your application is complicated enough that it needs to scale up and down, you need to be running it in an environment that can, itself, scale up and down. ...
Linux kernel network call flow Jan 01, 0001 Refer http://blog.csdn.net/night_elf_1020/article/details/19935813
Linux netcat examples Jan 01, 0001 端口扫描 nc -z -v -n 21-25 Chat Server Server: nc -l 1567 Client: nc 1567 文件传输 Server to Client: Server: nc -l 1567 < file.txt Client: nc -n 1567 > file.txt Client to Server: Server: nc -l 1567 > file.txt Client: nc 1567 < file.txt 目录传输 Server: tar -cvf - dir_name | nc -l 1567 Client: nc ...
Microservice Infrastructure Jan 01, 0001 Microservices Infrastructure Modern platform for rapidly deploying globally distributed services provided by cisco. https://github.com/CiscoCloud/microservices-infrastructure Features the ability to deploy applications utilizing resources across multiple datacenters (and even clouds), deploying in a decentralized control model, supporting intelligent endpoints, heavy automation, and the on-demand nature of deploying these services to support business requirements and scale. Architectural Overview Mesos cluster manager for efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed services Marathon for cluster management of long running containerized services Consul for service discovery (By using Consul’s inbuilt DNS server) Docker container runtime supported by Marathon Multi-datacenter support High availablity Single Data Center Architecture The base platform contains control nodes that manage the cluster and any number of compute nodes. ...
Mininet links Jan 01, 0001 Introduction to Mininet: http://mininet.org/walkthrough/ OpenFlow Tutorial: https://github.com/mininet/openflow-tutorial/wiki Mininet walkthrough: http://mininet.org/walkthrough/ RYU SDN Framework: http://osrg.github.io/ryu-book/en/html/ A good ryu blog: http://linton.tw/
Notes about serverless Jan 01, 0001 “只需要关注数据和业务逻辑,无需维护服务器,也不需要关心系统的容量和扩容”, serverless将大家从server中解放了出来,只需要关注 ...