

Kubernetes Helm chart to deploy Large Language Models with Ollama.

How to use this chart

Setup helm chart repo:

helm repo add ollama https://feisky.xyz/ollama-kubernetes
helm repo update

Deploy Ollama with Open WebUI:

helm upgrade --install ollama ollama/ollama \
    --namespace=ollama \

After the deployment, you can access the Ollama UI by port-forwarding the service:

kubectl -n ollama port-forward service/ollama-webui 8080:80

Then open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Ollama chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Image repository of Ollama "ollama/ollama"
image.tag Image tag of Ollama 0.5.4
replicaCount Number of replicas, need storge class support of multiple read when pvc enabled and replica > 1 1
llm.models List of models to be loaded ["phi3", "llama3"]
persistentVolume.enabled Whether to enable persistent volume for Ollama true
persistentVolume.storageClass Storage class for Ollama persistent volume "default"
persistentVolume.accessModes Access mode for Ollama persistent volume ["ReadWriteOnce"]
persistentVolume.size Storage size for Ollama persistent volume "30Gi"
persistentVolume.claimName Set to non-empty value to use an existing PVC for Ollama persistent volume ""
resources.limits.cpu CPU limits for Ollama container 4
resources.limits.memory Memory limits for Ollama container "4Gi"
resources.limits.nvidia.com/gpu GPU limits for Ollama container "1"
resources.requests.cpu CPU requests for Ollama container "100m"
resources.requests.memory Memory requests for Ollama container "128Mi"
resources.requests.nvidia.com/gpu GPU requests for Ollama container "1"
nodeSelector Node selector for Ollama Pod {}
tolerations Tolerations for Ollama Pod [{"key": "kubernetes.azure.com/scalesetpriority", "operator": "Exists"}]
affinity Affinity for Ollama Pod {}
ui.enabled Whether to enable WebUI true
ui.replicaCount Replica count for WebUI Pod 1
ui.image.repository Image repository of WebUI Pod "ghcr.io/open-webui/open-webui"
ui.image.tag Image tag of WebUI Pod "latest"
ui.service.type Service type of WebUI "ClusterIP"
ui.service.port Service port of WebUI 80
ui.nodeSelector Node selector for WebUI {}
ui.tolerations Tolerations for WebUI {}
ui.affinity Affinity for WebUI {}
ui.ingress.enabled Whether to enable Ingress for WebUI false
ui.ingress.className Ingress class name for WebUI ""
ui.ingress.hosts Ingress hosts for WebUI [{"host": "chart-example.local", "paths": [{"path": "/", "pathType": "ImplementationSpecific"}]}]
ui.ingress.tls Ingress TLS for WebUI []
ui.persistentVolume.enabled Whether to enable persistent volume for WebUI true
ui.persistentVolume.storageClass Storage class for WebUI persistent volume "default"
ui.persistentVolume.accessModes Access mode for WebUI persistent volume ["ReadWriteOnce"]
ui.persistentVolume.size Storage size for WebUI persistent volume "10Gi"
ui.persistentVolume.claimName Set to non-empty value to use an existing PVC for WebUI persistent volume ""