Kubernetes Copilot powered by OpenAI.
Install the copilot with pip command below. It is highly recommended to use pipx or venv to install the copilot to avoid conflicts with other Python packages.
# Option 1: use pipx to install the copilot
pipx install kube-copilot
# Option 2: use venv to install the copilot
python3 -m venv copilotenv
source copilotenv/bin/activate
pip install kube-copilot
# Option 3: Use pip to install the copilot (not recommended)
pip install kube-copilot
is installed on the local machine and the kubeconfig file is configured for Kubernetes cluster access.trivy
to assess container image security issues (for the audit
environment variable to enable ChatGPT functionality.
and AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT=https://<replace-this>.openai.azure.com/
.Option 1: Web UI with Helm (recommended)
# Option 1: OpenAI
export OPENAI_API_KEY="<replace-this>"
helm install kube-copilot kube-copilot \
--repo https://feisky.xyz/kube-copilot \
--set openai.apiModel=gpt-4 \
--set openai.apiKey=$OPENAI_API_KEY
# Option 2: Azure OpenAI Service
export AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY="<replace-this>"
export AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT="<replace-this>"
helm install kube-copilot kube-copilot \
--repo https://feisky.xyz/kube-copilot \
--set openai.apiModel=gpt-4 \
--set openai.apiKey=$AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY \
--set openai.apiBase=$AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT
# Forwarding requests to the service
kubectl port-forward service/kube-copilot 8080:80
echo "Visit to use the copilot"
Option 2: CLI with kubectl
kubectl run -it --rm copilot \
--restart=Never \
--image=ghcr.io/feiskyer/kube-copilot \
-- execute --verbose 'What Pods are using max memory in the cluster'
kubectl run -it --rm copilot \
--restart=Never \
--image=ghcr.io/feiskyer/kube-copilot \
-- execute --verbose 'What Pods are using max memory in the cluster'
Refer kubernetes.md for more detailed steps.
Running directly in the terminal:
Usage: kube-copilot [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Kubernetes Copilot powered by OpenAI
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
analyze analyze issues for a given resource
audit audit security issues for a Pod
diagnose diagnose problems for a Pod
execute execute operations based on prompt instructions
generate generate Kubernetes manifests
kube-copilot audit POD [NAMESPACE]
will audit security issues for a Pod:
Usage: kube-copilot audit [OPTIONS] POD [NAMESPACE]
audit security issues for a Pod
--verbose Enable verbose information of copilot execution steps
--model MODEL OpenAI model to use for copilot execution, default is gpt-4
--help Show this message and exit.
kube-copilot diagnose POD [NAMESPACE]
will diagnose problems for a Pod:
Usage: kube-copilot diagnose [OPTIONS] POD [NAMESPACE]
diagnose problems for a Pod
--verbose Enable verbose information of copilot execution steps
--model MODEL OpenAI model to use for copilot execution, default is gpt-4
--help Show this message and exit.
kube-copilot analyze RESOURCE NAME [NAMESPACE]
will analyze potential issues for the given resource object:
Usage: kube-copilot analyze [OPTIONS] RESOURCE NAME [NAMESPACE]
analyze issues for a given resource
--verbose Enable verbose information of copilot execution steps
--model TEXT OpenAI model to use for copilot execution, default is gpt-4
--help Show this message and exit.
kube-copilot execute INSTRUCTIONS
will execute operations based on prompt instructions.
It could also be used to ask any questions.
Usage: kube-copilot execute [OPTIONS] INSTRUCTIONS
execute operations based on prompt instructions
--verbose Enable verbose information of copilot execution steps
--model MODEL OpenAI model to use for copilot execution, default is gpt-4
--help Show this message and exit.
Use the kube-copilot generate
command to create Kubernetes manifests based on
the provided prompt instructions. After generating the manifests, you will be
prompted to confirm whether you want to apply them.
Usage: kube-copilot generate [OPTIONS] INSTRUCTIONS
generate Kubernetes manifests
--verbose Enable verbose information of copilot execution steps
--model TEXT OpenAI model to use for copilot execution, default is gpt-4
--help Show this message and exit.
The project is opensource at github feiskyer/kube-copilot-python with Apache License. The Go version of this project is maintained at feiskyer/kube-copilot with same license.
If you would like to contribute to the project, please follow these guidelines: